Monday, September 28, 2009

Day One

The main "mom" activity for this day was referee-ing the three previously-settled Tapper children in their pursuit to claim exclusive rights to the newest addition to the family. We literally had conversations like this:

"Abu, Abu, Abu! Come play, Abu."
"No, Jadon's Abu!"
"No, My Abu!"
"No share Abu. My Abu!"
"Hey, guys. He's Mama's Abu, Papa's Abu, Ethan's Abu, Abby's Abu, AND Jadon's Abu. The whole family."
(Meanwhile, Abu just smiles off in the corner.)

Overall, it was a great start...but there's a lot of adjusting to be done. Here's a peek at some of our finer moments today...


Mom/Linda/Nanny said...

Everyone looks very happy for the first day at home together!
Love Nanny

Laura Fenske said...

Love it.

Helen said...

I hope yoru today is filled with many small blessings as well. Love,