Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Fullness of Life

Things that are keeping me busy:
1) Work -- A new part-time job as a family support worker during the early mornings, four days a week, for a family with two daughters: one intelligent and delightful autistic four-year-old and one smiley and affectionate nine-month-old
2) Sports -- Abby starts hockey this weekend. Jadon starts basketball this weekend. Andrew has been going for a few weeks with his city hockey team and school soccer team.
3) One vehicle -- My trips from the house to the church or the church to the house usually total at least 6 per day. Some days it climbs to 12 or more! (Glad we live close!)
4) Piano lessons -- Enjoying teaching some piano again :)
5) Homework -- Science projects, math practice, spelling words, home reading squeezed between church and sporting events
6) Sam -- Puppy training is going well. He is very cute!!!


Mom/Linda/Nanny said...

Great news. Such a busy household. are
AMAZING!!! Our new grandson-dog is so adorable. We need to hear from the grand-darlings all about their sporting events!!!! Hugs to you all.

Asad Hanif said...

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