Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy! . . . and Heart-broken.

Oh, I forgot to say yesterday that we have also reached the four month mark for our adoption wait. This is rather exciting as the latest young sibling referrals have been coming at the five-six month mark. Beyond this, our America World case worker encouraged us last week to go ahead and work toward an addendum for our home study, expanding the age range of children for which we are approved from 0-3 to 0-6. Our home study provider had the addendum done and in our hands within 48 hours! That paperwork has been mailed to US citizenship and immigration services. Once it is approved there, notice will be sent to the embassy in Ethiopia so that they will permit us to take the children out of the country. We are very pleased with this progress.

I also want to share a glimpse of the heart-breaking situation that Ethiopia faces. Inflation there (and worldwide) is rampant. Our agency's transition home (where the children are cared for after referral) has seen its costs skyrocket from $4000/month to $17,000/month since the beginning of the summer! We have received word that we will face increased expenses for the remainder of our adoption fee process in order to address these concerns. Although this is difficult, I am thankful that our agency is committed to a high level of care even through these difficult times. Even with their best efforts, there is no comparison between the resources available there and what we experience on a daily basis here in North America. I learned today that the infant child of a sibling group referred to a AW family died in the hospital over the weekend due to pneumonia. While I don't doubt the blessed experience of that little girl in heaven right now, I do wrestle with questions about the injustice of our world's imbalanced wealth and my moral responsibility to act, love, and learn in ways that exemplify God's righteousness. And I mourn with the family (http://www.ethihopeia.com) that yearned to embrace this child yet faithfully trusts God through their loss. May "the name of our Lord Jesus...be glorified in [us], and [us] in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ." --2 Thess. 1:12


Patty said...

Praying for you guys to have a referral SOON! Thanks again for your help with our dossier. It's off to AWAA today!


Laura Fenske said...

That breaks my heart about the little girl. I also hope your referral comes soon, I can't wait to see pictures of new Tappers!