Three years ago
today, we were in Kiev, Ukraine, awaiting an appointment at the National Adoption Center. The center had been closed by the government for some time, and although we had heard rumors that President Yuschenko was going to use his executive power to authorize its reopening, we were still a bit up in the air. As you know, he did sign the bill, and on February 2, in a small, overcrowded office, we saw the first picture of our son.

As we wait with our Ethiopian adoption, I am reminded again of the crazy uncertainties of international adoption. Many families adopting through our agency have had serious delays relating to court in recent weeks. Sometimes government paperwork simply does not show up. Other times, rules are changed without any notification of new requirements to the agencies trying to process adoptions. This week, the government department that deals with adoptions moved offices and decided not to do any other work -- without any notice. There are a few families working through our agency whose children have been at the transition home since last summer. These remarkable families continue to trust that God will bring their families together in His time. Please pray for them as they endure the frustrations of uncontrollable setbacks and terribly challenging wait times.
As for our own process, communication with our agency this week has confirmed our request for two children 0-6. Although they will not specifically reveal our "number in line" for a referral, the general range of top 10-15 was suggested. In January, our agency was hopping with referrals (I think the total for the month was at least 20), but there are absolutely no guarantees that that rate will continue. However, with a top 10-15 spot, we're hoping for a referral in the next month or two. Families getting referrals now are having court dates set for April or May, so it seems that there is an approximately 3 month delay between referral and families' first chance at court. So where are you going to be this summer???