Saturday, October 31, 2015

It is that time again--time for the annual Tapper family jack-o-lantern guessing contest! Check out the cool designs created by the kids, and try to figure out which made which...

1) Minion
2) Hi!
3) Owl
4) Upside down Jack-o-lantern

This is one of our family's favourite traditions, and the kids LOVE to see who guesses what! So, give it your best guess!


Gramma said...

Wow! Tough one this year! I'll guess:
1) Minion - Jadon
2) Hi - Andrew
3) Owl - Ethan
4) Upside down Jack-0-lantern - Abby

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

1) Minion - Andrew

2)Hi! - Jadon

3) Owl - Abby

4) Upside Down Jack-O-Lantern - Ethan

Louanne said...

Minion - Ethan
Hi - Andrew
Owl - Jadon
Upside Down Jack-o-Lantern - Abby

K Tapper said...

Nice try everyone!

The correct answers are these:
Upside-Down Jack-o-Lantern--Andrew

Thanks for playing!

Linda Tapper said...

I guessed....Minion ....Jadon
Upside Down Jack-o-Lantern....Ethan

I was 1/2 right. Love Nanny.