Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Well, the one month mark for our waiting period has come and gone. It has actually gone rather quickly. Last week, our family was privileged to participate in our church district's family camp. We had a wonderful time, relaxing by the beautiful Saint John River in Brown's Flat, New Brunswick, visiting with friends and family, and engaging in meaningful worship experiences amidst the diversity of various congregations. This pic is E & A sleepily snuggling in Nanny and Gramps's trailer.

Besides this get-away, another activity we have found beneficial during the wait has been reading. I have finished (and now passed on to Mike) the highly recommended book: There is No Me Without You. If anyone has any interest in humanitarian aid in Ethiopia or international adoption, I would definitely suggest this book!

Another blessing has been the connection with a family near our home that is working with America World to adopt a preteen girl. We are excited to share this process together. God is good.